Thursday, September 8, 2011

God’s Love Language: Acts of Service

When I think of a person whose primary love language was acts of service I think of Mother Teresa (1910-1997). She became well-known internationally for her humanitarian work and advocacy for the rights of the poor and helpless, particularly in Calcutta, India. Serving people equals loving God.
Mother Teresa’s acts of service were spiritual in nature. She said, “To me, Jesus is the Life I want to live, the Light I want to reflect, the Way to the Father, the Love I want to express, the Joy I want to share, the Peace I want to sow around me.” She loved God by serving people and sacrificing her own life. She also said, “We have the specific task of giving material and spiritual help to the poorest of the poor, not only the ones in the slums but those who live in any corner of the world as well…”
God expressed an act of service [and more] by sending his Son Jesus, who in turn expressed his love by performing the ultimate act of service—giving his life for our sins. His own death was an act of service. It was the supreme act of showing his love for us.

For examples of God’s acts of service all we have to do is look at the life of Jesus. His three year ministry was filled with acts of service. The shortest route to knowing God the Father is to know his Son. Jesus Christ, in the flesh, came down to earth as the mirror image of the invisible Father: “The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being” (Hebrews 1:3, NIV).

It sounds like an impossible task—to imitate the acts of service of the Jesus Christ. Let’s also be realistic. Our flesh and human sinfulness make imitating Christ tough, especially in this culture, particularly for adolescents. It is unattainable in our own strength. It is only possible when we receive God’s grace. God can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). The best artist isn’t discouraged. She may not be a Van Gogh—and knows she’s not a Van Gogh—but she does her very best to paint a picture of excellence. Nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37).

If we let him reign in us—change the way we think, see, hear, feel, speak and serve, we can live a purpose-filled authentic life. Jesus can change us to such an extent that even a man who once loathed lepers went out of his way to embrace and kiss one. Jesus showed us that no one is unimportant in God’s eyes. He always had time for people. He searched for those who were lost. He healed those who were broken.
The gospel beckons us to die to ourselves and to believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, trusting in his power alone. We are not simply to admire Christ, but rather become “Christified.” It’s not easy but Jesus and Paul spoke of thousands of people who were radically invaded by God and became world changers.

Dr. René Girard’s theory, that our desires are inspired by the desires of another, helps us understand why teens pattern themselves after the wrong model. Instead of surrendering to the pop culture, we must guide them to faith in Jesus Christ.
Like a hand fit into a glove, believers are supposed to be the glove. Jesus is the hand. People see us. They see our fingers and hand move. They observe our impact. When they shake our gloved hand, they feel the warmth of the hand, of Jesus. The only way they can see Jesus is through the glove. This is one of the ways he makes himself visible to many who would never pick up a Bible or go to church.

Through the acts of service and example of Jesus Christ, God gives us what we need to express this love language in our particular areas of life. Jesus has given us his Holy Spirit to help us see, think, talk and act like him. He promises to instruct, counsel and teach us, all the while watching over us (Psalm 32:8).
The purpose of getting to know Jesus intimately is not merely to model his behaviors. We want to experience Jesus—his love, his touch, his joy—and then release it! Then we live life freely and fully—authentically.

In the Rospigliosi Palace in Rome is Guido Reni's famous mural, The Aurora, a work unequalled in that period for nobility of line and poetry of color. It is painted on a lofty ceiling, and as you stand on the pavement and look up at it, your neck stiffens, your head grows dizzy, and the figures become hazy and indistinct. So the owner of the palace placed a broad mirror near the floor. In it the picture is reflected, and you can sit down comfortably and study the wonderful work.
God is not so far removed from the human race as many believe. Most religions require the believer to look up. God comes down to the Christian. Everyone approaches God with a set of preconceptions collected from many sources: church, Sunday school, movies, television evangelists, and books. Many see God as someone to cower before, not as someone like Jesus, worthy of our love and trust. I am asking you to open your mind, to perhaps, a new view of God.

Think of Jesus as a streaming beaming light who came into the world straight from God Almighty as the only true self-expression of God. Pray as Paul did that “the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him [Jesus] better” (Ephesians 1:17, NIV).

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